Jun 18Liked by Lori K

Lol that's funny. My mom is also a single definition Projector, 6/2, and dad is a triple split 2/4 Manifestor šŸ˜„

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Oh nice! Your mom gets me I bet! Lol Iā€™m a 2/4 projector with Caves-selective and single def. You can imagine my strong desire for solitude with all that going on.

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Triple split here and learning this aspect of my design is one that has been extremely insightful and one that I feel like I haven't quite paid enough attention to, to be honest. It's interesting, because for over 20 years I was in the food and beverage industry working in hotels, restaurants, and country clubs, and constantly came in contact with hundreds of people in a day sometimes. Now, I work by myself and there are many days when I come in contact with no one. I have noticed when I make trips to the store, it does have the power to really affect me afterwards and so I realize I really need to try to get out more often. I've started getting into the habit of going to the store more frequently to get a few things here and there as opposed to my big shopping trips every couple weeks or so like I used to.

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Oh wow, thatā€™s a big transition.

I used to be in the restaurant business also with my single definition and now I love working from home. I had no idea thatā€™s one of the reasons Iā€™m so happy in solitude. Itā€™s been a powerful learning curve for us.

I had my teen listen to this today and asked if they learned anything from it. They said, ā€œyeah, how totally different we areā€. lol

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