
Thank you for the restack @houseofqweenstudios

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Well said. All my life I have taken delight in making fun of motivational posters, and when I discovered the demotivational posters I loved ‘em.

That said, if those help a person, I’m all for it. Whatever works for you, keep doing it. Seriously, we are all built differently, and I respect that.

But all I see is a kitty that is about to die the moment it stops hanging in there.

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lol, that kitty! 😆😆

Yeah, I’m sure there are plenty of people that like to see all the positivity. I just get bored too quickly with it and want to make fun of it as soon as I see it. Tell me the opposite so I know you really care. 🙌😁

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Toxic positivity is so insidious because it adds a layer of shame for the suffering person when they find they aren't helped by the shallow "positive" advice. I like your list at the end of what actually helps!

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I agree. We shame ourselves enough without someone else having to add to it when we’re finally being vulnerable and opening open to them. Thank you for the compliment, for reading, and for commenting!

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Yes, so good.

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Thank you!!

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Lori, Well said. I'm not a fan of toxic positivity in the least. I sometimes use phrases like "this too shall pass" to support and encourage myself because I know that's true from many decades of living. But I wouldn't impose that on someone else.

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Thank you for reading and commenting.

Yeah, knowing that our emotions will pass is important and can be hard to remember in a crisis. Thats good to use for yourself if that works for you. I agree that’s not so great to impose it on others though. A kinder reminder could be helpful.

I sometimes have to remind myself that the emotions I’ve picked up from someone else aren’t mine.

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Never push down your emotions but you can transmute them.

Not to make this post about me, but this is my specialty- emotional release techniques.

The fist step is being heard, finding an empathic ear and having your feelings validated.

As humans we will always have incidences that disrupt our day, rock our world, but we can also have days where we are happy for no reason. That to me is true healing.

Then you are able to see things in a more positive light, have gratitude etc. but first the wounds of the past must be healed.

I don’t believe in toxic positivity but maybe spiritual bypassing, suppressing emotions, faking it etc is a better way to say it?

Because I’m my opinion there is nothing toxic about being positive if it’s genuine.

By the way, I’m a huge DMB fan!!!

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Thank you so much for reading and commenting.

Pushing down our emotions can be harmful to our mental and physical health. However, we can experiment with different modalities to find what works best to express our emotions. We are all unique and the healing process is a personal one.

Thank you for reiterating my point about the importance of being heard.

Fact is we do experience hardships in life that validates our less than pleasant emotions. If we are bombarded with toxic positivity, spiritual bypassing, suppress our emotions, and fake it to make it, non-personalized, and unsolicited advice messaging during that time it can be more harmful for us than good.

Just acknowledging someone is in pain is all that’s needed sometimes during that time. Reaching out when we feel someone doesn’t seem well by just saying, “I’m here with an ear” will mean so much to them. Even if they’re not ready to talk just yet.

Healing our past is important, but getting to that point takes time, patience, and is the most individualized process.

Have you looked at your Human Design Profile?

Dave rocks, right?!!! Saw him at Red Rocks back in the day, what a concert!

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All is true.

I had a human design analysis once. It was spot on but all I remember from it was that I was a manifestor.

Saw DMB multiple times but never at Red Rocks. That must have been incredible

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Would love to see your chart. Manifestors are here to initiate creating what they want when the inspiration hits them, making the first move without permission to buy-in from anyone else, and to inform others of their intentions.

That’s great you got to see him multiple times!! I used to live and work in Morrison and took advantage of seeing as many bands as I could.

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What do you mean you pay for the extra info?

It gives you a surface level chart then the rest is behind a paywall as we say on Substack?

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There’s so much free HD info. that you can find on google. Some good, some not so good. The things I pay for just offer more in depth info. Like relationship charts, and other things. The books and IHDS (the school for HD) are expensive and I understand why people have paywalls, but I’ve found a couple of good Facebook groups that have been super helpful without all the self-promotion. I have the books, attend the school, and pay for the extras on the app. because learning is my favorite. 😁

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Yea learning is fun, especially if it’s something you’re drawn too.

Glad it’s helped you.

The world is fascinating, it’s why I get so overwhelmed when I’m in a library or book store!

Maybe I’ll try what Edgar Cayce did.

He would sleep on his text books and in the morning had accumulated all its knowledge to pass his school tests.

Prior to that, he was failing.

If you never read any of his stuff, you might want to give it a look.

Fascinating life!

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Yeah DMB pulled me through some rough times. Music has the power to heal us.

We talk about feeling heard, I think his songs resonated with me so much, I felt like he got me, heard my heart!

I don’t know where my chart is, I’d have to look. But what you said sounds about right, I don’t seek permission, I don’t buy into much of what others say, I think that comes from discovering a lot of people lie, and a lot of people falsely believe.

It’s kind of sad to observe. People have forgotten their power, not their fault- most of us were taught we were powerless.

So what do you need to see my chart? Birthday?

It was done by someone I met online in a spiritual group. Ironically I was thinking about it the other day, I don’t remember what happened to her or even her name.

So what does one do with their chart anyway?

Is it just an analysis or does it provide further details?

I honestly don’t recall much about it.

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Music is a huge healer for me, love it. All kinds!! His lyrics and emotion behind them hit my heart also.

Yeah, we’ve been conditioned by generational DNA, by friends, family, and society to be like everyone else.

You can grab a free chart from my Bodygraph.com or genetic matrix.com to name a couple. Or you can dm your info. and I can pull it for you. I pay for the extra info. On one of the apps.

It’s not a belief system, it’s a combination of many things. I’ve written about it on substack and been in my experiment for 3 years, also taking classes. It’s a rabbit hole of fantastic information to help with self-awareness as well as understanding others. But we know how information doesn’t help if we’re not living it. 🙌

My favorite has been learning about my 14-year old. The emotional inner authority is what they have which is different from mine. Also they have the triple split and I have the single definition… BIG difference and I’ve always kind of noticed it, but now i really see it and I know how to guide them better.

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That’s geneticmatrix.com

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And mybodygraph.com

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Oh yeah, he was ahead of his time, wasn’t he?!

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100% all this.

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Thank you for reading and commenting!!

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I often dealt with it, with the phrases you listed that people said to me. Despite some of these being caused by harsh events that shaped me into who I am. Also said I just wanted to vent but was disregarded and dismissed.

Logic doesn’t always work with emotions, as we know the solutions and sometimes we just want an ear.

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It feels like when that Romper Room lady never called my name. She doesn’t see me?! An ear works so much better than the tongue. What’s that saying? We figure it out eventually, especially if we have someone around that we can vent to without their advice or judgment. 🙌

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Love the TikTok lol

Great article so well said! It's so important to be heard and not dismissed. There have been told to "be strong " once after my mom passed suddenly. Another was the office manager at my work saying " In business it's better to move ahead" this was the first day back at work after my dad passed. It's a wonder our generation and older stuffs everything inside

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Thank you 🙌😄 TikTok was fun.

Thank you for the compliment and I couldn’t agree more with you about our generation and stuffing things the way we do… no wonder! So sorry you went through that when your parents passed. Unbelievable!!

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Thank you for the restack @Ken Flyingheart

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Thanks for the restack @Thaddeus Thomas

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