My thoughts spin and spiral too. I'm still working on a solution. Spending time in nature helps too as well as unplugging from devices.

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Oh yeah for sure nature helps me also! Unplugging from devices is a little more difficult for me at the moment. Some day. Thank you for reading and commenting my friend. I appreciate you so much!!!

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My thoughts never spin or spiral, they just explode. Boom))

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Oh my! I typically cry instead of explode when I have angry thoughts.

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May 11Liked by Lori K

Indeed there are differences between pure souls and solo birds))

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Interesting analogy.

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I am also GenX with C-PTSD. I’m exhausted.

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May 11Liked by Lori K

It's interesting because I just had a conversation with my mom day before yesterday about the fact that I have an insecurity that I feel almost daily when it comes to my living situation, and until I feel confident knowing that I won't be homeless come October, that thought looms over my head. She mentioned how it's not good to worry and I told her that I wasn't necessarily worrying. I told her that I knew I was living my life correctly, and that I had faith that everything was going to work out for me; I just can't help but to frequently feel the uncertainty of it. So I guess I would say to deal with it I just remind myself and have radical faith that what is meant to be will be. I had I too have been homeless before, and have been in situations worse.

From a spiritual standpoint, I believe in karma, soul groups, and divine purpose - and in having planned in the spirit realm experiences that we will go through in this life. And so I look at it as, I created and signed up for this, and it's all part of the plan that's necessary for me to fulfil what I set out to. And so I just have to sit back and watch things unfold.

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YES! Exhausted!!!!!

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Thank you for sharing and for understanding.

Reminds me of one of Ra’s teachings… we just have to watch the movie play out.

Since I’ve been in worse situations, it does make me grateful for what I have. I still feel worthy of having what I want. Which isn’t much more than what I have.

I wish you didn’t have to think about whether or not you will become homeless come October. The world just doesn’t make sense to me sometimes.

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