Lovely read thank you for sharing Lori. One piece of advice I would give my younger self is be true to yourself.

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Thank you, that’s a good one!!

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Have fun. Believe in yourself.

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Yes!! 🙌🥰🙌

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Trust your gut, young one, it will not steer you wrong. Others are afraid of your ability to see the truth, the truth they are afraid. Don’t let scare you, too.

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That’s so beautiful, thank you for sharing!!

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Oops. Skipped a few words but I’m glad you got my message.

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Yes, that would be perfect. I have a close platonic friendship with such a person which if it were to be a love relationship would be a disaster. He features in my flash fiction novella on SS, The EveryDay Musings of Louisa Greene. The ep titled The Trouble with Frank. Re having kids I knew in my late teens I loved kids but then went into denial til my early 30s. Has to be the hardest but most rewarding thing I have ever done. And I def don’t think everyone has to do it. It certainly affected my career path. If I hadn’t, who knows what my life trajectory would have been. https://onthewritersjourney.substack.com/p/the-trouble-with-frank

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So I’m getting from this piece that you did marry? And that’s how you found out it wasn’t for you? I never married, realised fairly early that I wasn’t marriage material. But lived with my partner ( ex since 1995) for only 5 years out of the 15 years of our relationship. 2 kids and 5 grandkids later (he repartnered) we are still close and celebrate family events together. I love my independent life but it still irks me that all the members of my extended family have partners, I’m the only one flying solo. But as you point out in your great post, that’s my choice, and it’s a very valid choice, one that I can remind myself of when I feel a bit ‘less than’ in the world if coupledom.

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Yes, unfortunately I had 2 marriages. Thank you for the compliment of writing a good post, I appreciate that. Writing is part of therapy for me.

Thats great that you knew early on and held to it. I wasn’t as strong and went with the societal standards.

I couldn’t be more content with living with myself now, although it would be nice to find a partner that liked that also.

I don’t get out much or see family much to notice all the couples. Lol

I think there are just some people that like living on their own and some that don’t. Trick is finding another one that is compatible AND likes living on their own also.

Did you always know you wanted children?

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We celebrated 36 years yesterday! We were only 19 and 21. Too young. We waited to have our first and only child 18 years. Part of that was due to infertility issues. The grass isn't always greener. Maybe that is my advice

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Congratulations on your anniversary. My brother married at 18, he’s 58 now and still married. Marriage can be good for some people. 🙌 The infertility was hard for me also.

I agree that the grass isn’t always greener. Sometimes it is, but not always. 😃

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Thank you! Marriage is a personal choice. I always saw my self as married, just not so young. My sister-in-law is 70 now. Single and happy. She's had boyfriends and a busy social life. She comes and goes as she pleases and travels with friends. She's always on an adventure

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