
Right? When I read your post, I thought about how similar we are on many levels. Soooooo butt-crack is still in use l? And yes, we shall meet at that time again.

Figured this sleep thing is a modern invention. Had to get us lined up to start the school process to get us ready for the 9-5 B.S.

Good to know post menopausal weight gain is a myth cause I’ve not made it there yet. I really can’t blame the weight gain completely on menopause. Life circumstance, depression, CPTSD play a part in it also. I remember my mom gaining some weight during menopause and some of it coming off post menopause. It’s one of the reasons I’m somewhat accepting it.

I must say that the journey to took me on with your story really touched me. I hope to incorporate some of that into my writing some day. The kiddo and the roommate situation is what I’ve longed to add without knowing how to. Some day.

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Which article was that. My 1st one?

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I’m getting a little lost on these comments. What are you asking about an article of yours?

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I did gain a good amount of weight the year I ending menopause, but I was stress eating. I did lose 25 lbs last year and most of it stayed off. I'm surprised. I cut out sugar and junk. Maybe it's the hormones leveling out. I have been luck with my weight but it piled on out of no where trying to keep it off, but I've always gained weight in my waiste so that sucks

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You gain the year you ended menopause? Yeah I cut out junk and sugar in 2005 among other things. It’s got to be mostly the hormones for me.

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The year where it was winding down I guess

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Wow, I gained about a year after peri menopause. I can’t wait until I hit that post menopausal “crone” stage some speak so highly of. Lol

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I'm a foreigner - I use it, but that should not count for anything.

Weight was a self protector for me, it turns out. I accepted it as such. Somehow, I managed to change my attitude about weight completely around 7 years ago or so. I don't stress about it any more at all.

Truth be told, the roommate thing was a happy accident this morning. But that's all writing is at some level, isn't it? You keep doing it until you recognize a happy accident for what it is - and write about it.

I did realize that I talk about the roommate a lot, though. It may bother me more than I give it credit...

One day, I will tell you about a previous housemate. He's still my fave!

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I understand about using weight as a protectant as a lot of people do that.

Curious to know where you’re from now?

For me, the roommate situation, insinuated, love, turning stale so it feels like you’re just roommates. And the child walking on eggshells felt like a situation I experienced also..

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Oh yeah, *that* roommate has long been banished from my life (as much as possible). I'm a German import - sort of an accidental immigrant.

In a way - without knowing more about your story - it feels like I am on the upswing to your downturn. If that statement resonates, I can tell you that the view is great from where I am at.

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Oh, how long have you been in the States. My sister lived in Germany for a couple years.

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I've been here for over 30 years. Debating on moving back to - something.

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May 9·edited May 9Liked by Lori K

Thank you for sharing! I know why you like my writing - yours feels familiar. Shall we meet again at the butt-crack of dawn? Yes, I too experience the menopausal sleep pattern. Did you know that the 8-hour thing is a modern invention? In medieval times, they apparently slept biphasic... 7P until 2/3A and then again... when you got tired.

It's all made up. So if it's all made up, then I can sleep from 6 am to 8 am on the regular. I sleep when I sleep, and I don't when I don't. It works for me.

Postmenopausal weight gain is a myth by the way. I do think your needs change, but you ain't destined to be plump. I was plump all my life. I'm not now, but I don't eat much any more. I'm not as interested in it as much as I used to be.

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Menopause and moody teenager...I'm sending you ALL the positive vibes. Also, I keep hearing about menopause and itchy skin, gosh, not looking forward to that one.

Thanks for quick read. You made me laugh with this one.

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Ooh. Having a teen and being in menopause. A cruel trick by the universe.

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Right?!! lol

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Thank you so much, I appreciate all the. positive vibes I can get. Lol

Can’t wait to ditch the itch when I finally get through this!!

Yay, I was hoping to get a little laugh and I also like a quick read.

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Although my ears didn't itch, everything else you shared was spot on for me! I am ever so thankful to be 4 years post menopause, things have "settled" down hormonally and I am actually able to access a whole new level of calm. But boy oh boy, those years "of moody menopausal mind" still make me tremble! Hopefully your roller coaster ride ends soon. I appreciate your rants, and your humor!

( and yes, I still say "butt crack of dawn", yet now it's my dogs vs my raging hormones that wake me up at said crack 😂)

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Hahahaha, those dogs will definitely wake us up at butt-cracks of dawn!

Thank you for the compliment, for this kind and thoughtful comment, and for sharing your experience!

Was it a gradual thing that you just noticed symptoms falling to the wayside. I’m hopeful for that day to come sooner rather than later and wondering now how much longer it will this last. I’m done with it already!

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Yeah, it was a gradual transition, little did I know I was being turned into goo, created a hell of a cocoon around myself, and then emerged at some point a “crone butterfly 🦋 “


My two best helps during the hellish moments were acupuncture and Susun Weed’s book “The New Menopausal Years”

Both saved me.

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Thank you for the recommendation, I’ll look into those books.

Yes! I am in the cocoon, isolation stage. Eagerly anticipating the crone butterfly. You are the second person that brought up the word Crone. I already feel like one with all the mood swings but to add butterfly to it seems to soften it a bit. Lol

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I do too. I think you meant my comment post instead of a blog post. My brain fog was too great last night

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It’s all good. I’m still working out how to separate one commenter from another on here.

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Gray day here in Pennsylvania. Sunny and upper 80s now in the 60s and rain

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Makes life a little more difficult when it’s grey for me. Blah

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Same here, weather does affect moods. It looks like the sun us trying to breakout again here 🤞

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🤞Yeah, I thought I had that seasonal effective disorder when I lived in Ohio. Northern Michigan is much worse! Yuck! We’re expecting clouds all day here. Need to get my sun lamp out again. Come on spring, show us some love already!

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A doctor recommended a sun lamp for my husband it affects him too SADD

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It's a day in the life for me. I ended up embracing getting up at 530 every day. I want to make sure my son doesn't forget to set his alarm plus my dogs have me up any. I enjoy that quiet hour to myself. I am trying to taper off of HRT pills but it's been a challege. I haven't tried the patch though. My Dr scared me with the blood clot thing because I've been on hrt for 3 years now

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Oh no, I prefer my day starting a little bit later. My kiddos alarm doesn’t go off until 7. I live in a 600 sq. Ft. One bedroom house so you can hear absolutely everything. I stay put until they wake up so they can at least get some good rest.

I swear getting the right hormonal balance thing is like… I don’t know, it’s hard! lol

Sending you hugs for a good day today my friend!!

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