I am absolutely in love with being a crone, yet that journey to get here was a WHEW !!!!

My absolute worst symptom was the brutal insomnia.

Acupuncture and reading Susan Weed's book, Menopausal Years the Wild Women's Way saved me.

Thanks for sharing this, you made my crone heart smile. 🥰

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Oh yeah, that insomnia isn’t pleasant at all!! I believe acupuncture would help, it helped keep my baby in utero after losing so many. I’ll have to look for that book, thank you for the recommendation!!

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Lori K, I am 71. I got through menopause with...a FAN (paper). That is all. Toughed it out. One single day at a time. WEW

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Yeah, that seems to be all we can do unfortunately. Until more advances are made for women. I’m pretty lucky not to have the hot flashes.

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Hey Lori, I'm 58 and have had all the hot flashes, mood swings and lots of other getting older weirdness so I feel ya. In spite of all that I'm really enjoying being this age because it feels like a badge of honour.

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Thank you for restacking this!!

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Have you reached the other side of menopause? I’m really looking forward to that! I like being 55, just don’t like the menopausal symptoms. Thank you for understanding.

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Also thanks so much for the follow!

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Yes, I have reached the other side, it does get better! The hot flashes stopped a couple of years ago I'd say. I still have the insomnia but I have anxiety also so I'm kind of used to it now, or as much as anyone can be. And my back scratcher is permanently attached to my hand it seems lol but I definitely feel like I've emerged from the tunnel.

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Good to hear. I also struggle with anxiety and heck yeah to the backscratcher. I have a few in my house! lol

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I was listening to this in my son's pick up and nodding my head and smiling. Oh, yes you know me I can relate too well haha. I think I'm on my way to a crone, hopefully a nice one. I had some one say to me the other day. I hope to be like you when I'm older you are my spirit animal. A 20 or 30ish young woman. I had to Google that and I guess a human can be someone's spirit animal and it's a good thing. Who knew

I'm on a low dose hormonal therapy. I tried to cut back but it made me too miserable not worth it for me right now. I still get heat flashes. 7pm like clock work 😞

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Well, it’s good to know I’m not alone!! Hoping to get to that crone stage sooner rather than later. I’m not so sure I’ll be a super nice one. Feisty I’m sure but nice… hmmmm not so sure. Lol

I also had a 30 year old say that about me, I just thought that I must be masking my symptoms pretty well. Lol

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I'm getting to my crone. I see glimmers there is hope. I take that spirit animal as a compliment. I use to admire women older than me when I was young and tell them. Then it was I hope to be like you when I'm your age. I saw them as successful and classy. I think being younger got the eyeroll from them like it was an insult to age. I vow not to be like that. I see women older than I am and I still want to be like that when I grow up 😉

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Me too. Women of all ages get my upmost respect. We all go through so much and I love it when I see women helping women. 🙌

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For sure!! So many women can compete or get catty, but life is hard, especially as a woman. We need to be there for each other. We all have our own struggles

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