So relatable! As an adult, I always get asked if I’m crazy or throw dishes when I’m angry. 🙄🙄🙄 And then of course there’s everyone’s favorite question about carpet and drapes. 🤦🏻‍♀️ (And don’t get me started on the fact that there’s no redheaded facepalm emoji).

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So many stereotypes, right?! Yeah, we ARE under represented in the emoji dept. for sure. What’s up with that?!

Thank you so much for reading and commenting my friend. After I hit the publish button, I second guessed myself that this might be too harsh or sad to have put out there. Then I gave myself the little GenX pep talk… it is what it is. 😆

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I think the most moving pieces are the most vulnerable. Please keep sharing!!

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Thank you my friend!!

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I've never heard the term "red-headed stepchild". I'm sorry you had to deal with all of that. Having been a teacher, I think young children are more accepting of differences these days, although there'll always be that one bully who for whatever reason chooses to be mean. And it's awful because words leave scars just like physical blows.

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Thank you for reading and commenting. I had a feeling that some people might not have heard that term and is why I explained a little bit at the beginning.

I’m 55 with a 14-year old and used to work in the school as an aide to the Developmentally Disabled and also worked in the cafeteria. I worked in Colorado and in Ohio and did notice as they got older, I could over hear them teasing when they didn’t know I was listening. My child was bullied also and it broke my heart. Hopefully this school year will be better.

I don’t know that we will ever be a bully free nation. It’s modeled for them all around from parents to politicians.

I appreciate your comment so much!!

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Ah yes, leaders have not been good examples in recent years.

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A bunch of kindergarteners 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️

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I'm so sorry you dealt with that. Kids can be cruel. Not a red head or a stepchild but I had my share bullying as a kid. Skeleton, bean pole and much worse. It is trauma! It's a trauma some can't escape at home or school.

I always thought it would be cool to be a red head! I blended, and redheads got noticed. Guys always say a hot blonde or hot redhead. Never a brunette. Just saying. Think about it!

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Thank you and I’m sorry you went through being bullied and traumatized also.

Either people love a redhead or don’t, doesn’t seem to be any in-between in my experience. I’ve always heard how the dark haired, blue eyed people are hot right along with the blondes. But with redheads, it seems we’re more a bucket list item if ya know what I mean.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder anyway, right?

I would much prefer to be not noticed as I’m such an introverted hermit and prefer not to be perceived at all. 🙌

Thank you so much for reading and commenting. 🥰

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Your welcome. I always felt different from my family at home too and I was. I now see that in a good way. I am proud of me

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Yeah, I was told I was the mailman’s child and that I was adopted because no one in my family had red hair or was as weird as I was. But I’m also proud of me.

Okay, we will have to come up with a good song about being proud… proud of me 🎶 sounds like an Anne Murray song. 😄

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Omg! That's horrible! So sorry you went through that

Yes we need a song about that for our girl band Ginger Spice;)

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How does Ginger Sass sound?

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Love it!

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