I think this is a cool idea. Also, that you should do all voice overs for my posts. Lol

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Thank you for restacking this.

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lol, challenge accepted.

Now, is this a cool idea where you would participate or have any constructive feedback for it?

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It would be a fun jump out of my comfort zone. So I probably should. Lol

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Reaching out of your comfort zone is always good, IMO.

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Idk I think I'd give it a try

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That sounds promising!!

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I say go for it. You’ll never know if you don’t give it a shot. It looks like you’ve given it some thought already. And it looks like you know how to pull it off. The 100 words might just be small enough for someone to be a bit vulnerable who is typically more reserved or shy. And it might be just long enough to share a small self-reflection and drilling down to the core of what you’re thinking about and cutting all the other fluff. If someone wants to write more, they can always use the 100 words as a catalyst for a longer form post or article somewhere else.


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Love this! You can count me in!!

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Thanks for the restack!

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Yeah, can’t wait to hear your stories! Anything you think we should add, delete, or change up?

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I'll let you know. Long day - brain dead now.

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…i was shocked to be asked by a stranger to share 100 words of self awareness and became aware of my word count and thought about why numbers matter to why we do anything…especially when most of us express in art, words, or everything but numbers…but then i realized that counting on others is safety…and dreaming about being number one is inspiration…so i imagined i was nothing and everything felt good again…

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You’ve won the prize and now must be our number 1 story contributor. There’s that number thing again. You shockingly kept my attention when I don’t have much of it to be kept. I appreciate the amount of self-awareness it took you to get to the point of feeling good again. See you Friday when we become self-aware of being a know-it-all or if we’re just being misunderstood. 😁

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Interesting idea. Color me intrigued. 😊

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I imagine intrigue being the color of yellow. Consider yourself painted. 😁

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Thanks you for this much needed feedback! It’s been on my mind all week and you nailed it with wanting to cut the fluff.

I hadn’t thought about those that are more reserved or shy about sharing this kind of thing. I hope they’re still able to share their story even if no one sees it. I think the more stories we share with each other, the more it helps everyone. Stories are just so powerful, aren’t they?!

I’m still torn as to how much to share before the story about where the prompt came from. I’ll take another week to toss that around.

Thanks again!

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