Perfect timing - woke up hormonally melancholy today and this article was the pick-me-up I needed. I've never considered melancholy as a muse, but I have learned that my body will give me things that I need when I need it if I pay attention. It brought me a gift today - on my morning walk I was slower than normal and ended up in conversation with an artist looking for new places to sketch. We walked for a bit together so I could point out beautiful places for her to notice. It was a lovely encounter.

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Thank you for reading and commenting, totally makes my day!

Yes!! Paying attention and being aware makes all the difference in the world, doesn’t it?! For so many things.

WOW! There aren’t any coincidences, are there?! What a gift you two shared. Beautiful.

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Oh my gosh! This is so timely!

From what you’re describing, melly was keeping me company last night. Usually I can immediately come up with a reason for the visit, a late night before, feeling unwell, not tackling my to-dos (this is usually my go-to).

Anyway, I had done so much that day, that I couldn’t blame it on not doing the to-do’s or on anything else. So I was like…this is weird, there’s no reason.

So this was needed. Thanks!

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Love it when something finds us just in time. Just like your comment found me just in time as I ponder the direction of my Substack. There are no coincidences, are there?!

Cheers to awareness.

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Love how you personified melancholy as a muse, it's such a refreshing take. Sometimes the best creativity comes from embracing those moods instead of trying to fix them.

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Thank you! I’m so tired of the fix it society when it comes to things like this. Let have my melancholy. 🙌

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You know I do! Lol. Where do you think 90% of my writing comes from 😉 Today I woke up pissed off. Not sure why? Angry poetry??

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lol and you channel it into your creative writing to help you and others 🙌

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Thanks, Lori

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Kelly is my constant companion. A new way to ask “ What’s wrong with you?” how about “What happened to you?”

What happened to me is what introduced me to Melly.

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Couldn’t agree more. And what’s wrong or what happened invites a conversation. Do you really want to know and have time to truly hear and validate me without judgement, advice, or solutions? If not, move on. Most of the time it’s my baseline anyway. It’s a whole lot of life coming through me that I need to express though how I need to express it. We aren’t all sunshine and rainbows all the time. 🙌

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I’ve known Melly for a long time.

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Me too.

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I don't intentionally use sadness for art. But when I am sad I am more likely to write poetry or something different from the norm. Sad moods are big hurdles for me, because I lose enthusiasm. I guess that is why I have avoidance disorder and cannot let my mind land on sad things for too long, because my will to do anything is severed. Happiness can feel sad to me.

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Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

I also don’t intentionally use sadness for art either. But when I’m sad, what I write is different than when I’m not sad. Sometimes, I write hoping to move the melancholy energy around a bit. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes I’ll write something and feel like it’s just a mess like me and have to stop.

I can relate to your avoidance disorder. I was diagnosed with CPTSD and have trouble with concentration, depression, anxiety, and a host of other things that makes it difficult for me to feel happiness or joy. It’s easier for me to blow things off and joke about everything (wear a mask).

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Yes. Mask wearing. It’s the only thing where life gets worse the better you are at it. I’m pretty good. I relate to all your saying as far as I sometimes want to grab sadness and direct it toward a good. Discouragement is very easy to slide into because sometimes it feels like I’m writing without much difference made. I set very high goals for myself. I wonder if you have anhedonia? Probably not but I’ve wondered about it, the lack of joy.

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I’m convinced that I have all of the labels and none of the labels.

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