I listened to your vo as I was driving yesterday. In writing I figure it out as I go. That's when I do my best writing

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Wait, when do you do your best writing, when you drive or figuring it out as you go?

I love the vo feature for when I’m working for cleaning.

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I think I found a kindred spirit in you. Yes, I also jump into adventure head-first. But I don't think of myself as an adventurer. I just want a peaceful, quiet life.

Somehow, I have yet to find that. I'm glad I found your site!

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Thank you, Elise! I’m the furthest thing you could get from being a typical adventurer! Lol

And I also aspire for a peaceful quiet life. Maybe one day.

I liked you from the moment I saw your bio. my friend and can’t wait to take the time to read more of your work.

I appreciate you so much!!

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