Teen Sass should be a TikTok show already.

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Should be!! I’m over here making up all kinds of lyrics with GenX songs to it. 😆

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Reminds me of the fireworks when my teen daughter and her stepmom got into it. My teen son and I would go out for whatever reason we could until they cool off 🤣

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Such a fun dynamic, eh?! 😁

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I’d absolutely watch this! As a parent of a near 16 year old and a 13 year old (they are awesome and anxious) and a non-binary human experiencing perimenopause…I absolutely need more humour and representations of this time of life!

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Yes! Okay, who do we need to talk to in order to get this made?! 🙌😆

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I didn't ever stop to think about the fact we're navigating our fluctuating hormones at the same time as dealing with our teenagers. No wonder we're a hot mess!

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Such a rollercoaster, isn’t it?!

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This came to my inbox today. I’m looking forward to reading it! I’ve gone through those days. High school is hard, not gonna lie. But, then it gets better. It sounds like even with the eye rolling (ok, I admit peeked at it) it sounds like you have a wonderful relationship.

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Thank you. I had my share of eye rolling and was quite the sassy teen, but my mom wasn’t In menopause until I left the house. I’m super grateful to have a close relationship even with our hormones creating a daily sitcom 🙌😆

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We are the hot spicy gals. Don't forget it

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We sure are! 🙌😄🔥💃🏼

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I clicked on this story and stepped in some sass. No worries.

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Nothing like a little ginger sass AND a side of teen sasss 😄

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I am only 4 years older than you are and I have a grandchild that is older than your teenager!

Considering how much a mess I was when I had them, it's a miracle they're as amazing as they are.

And yes, I'd watch that show. It sound like a great reflection of family - unlike that crap we were presented on TV.

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Yeah, most people my age have grandchildren and is part of the reason I’m single. Lol

I was a mess back then and now, just hoping my kid turns out as amazing as yours!

Thanks, I think it would be a funny sitcom too and I would watch that. I wonder who would be a good to play the mom and teen 🤔

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