Hi Lori, you have every right to rant and be in a bad mood. I personally hate being told what to do. When I had cancer years ago, so many people felt they had a license to tell me how to eat, what treatments worked better than others (aka mine) -- and that was a cancer support group in my business -- etc.

Good rant!

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Thank you so much, Beth and it is good to know that I'm not the only one that doesn't like to be told what to do. I like learning, but, hmmmm, maybe it's more about unsolicited advice. I've seen that with people I know that have had cancer also.

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Pretty mild for a rant, but rant away.

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You made my day and put a smile on my face. Thank you!!

I am still getting in touch with expressing my own frustrations and this is a big leap for me.

You’re the best!!

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Thank you for the restack @JP Dávila

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You call that a rant?

I'm with you 100%. I also have a therapist and I think she's great. I have had great ones and bad ones before, but I am with you. We're all 100% unique.

I have spent way too much time listening to people about how things should and should not work for me, I am done. It's all made up anyway. Even what they think they know is all made up - largely anyway. The advice is made by fallible humans, too - that are just as lost and many know just as little about what's going on in their brain as I know about mine. Worse - some of them, like the love language guy, apparently have ulterior motives. Yup, these days I don't believe anything I hear.

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You made my day!! I’m working up to being as brave as you. I have a hard time wrapping my brain around being able to speak my mind without offending an entire industry where that’s how people make their money. What I said in my mind was much worse than what came out here. I don’t want to be a negative Nancy, but I’m just so sick of the same old lines. I’ve been guilty of it in the past and I’m just now starting a self-awareness challenge. It’s all relative I guess. I’m writing on the challenge of how I deal with things, what I’m learning while keeping it within a story of 100-words.

Thank you for commenting, needed that!

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