Lori K Today is a lifestyle publication. Offering sporadic, unconventional, mostly short stories via email and/or the Substack app.

Aiming to post Selected Stacks on Fridays and others on Mondays with an occasional Wednesday post added into the mix.

I have four different sections for you to choose from at my little Lori K Today cafe. Were you can slide into your cozy little nook with your favorite beverage, leaving the heavy lifting to me. I do voice overs for most of my posts if you’re a multi-tasker or have eye problems.

Come on in and have a quick read or relax into the entire publication. Sections include: Stories, Recipes, Selected Stacks, and Human Design.

The Selected Stacks Section is highlighting other Substack Publications that feature mostly short posts. A great place to keep track of our favorites. You can recommend your favorite Substack Publisher on any Selected Stack post along with a brief summary as to why they are your favorite to read right now.

Thank you for reading Lori K Today. This post is public so feel free to share it. Help bring others a nice slice of Lori K Today to their inbox.


Lori K Today features the following based on life experiences:

  • Self-Awareness

  • Gluten Free Recipes and Food Thoughts

  • CPTSD/Anxiety/Depression

  • Menopause

  • The Human Design System

  • Relationships

  • Health

  • Parenting a Teen

  • Small Home Living

  • Music/Dogs/Current Events/Stuff

The best way to enjoy this publication is to subscribe.

Subscribers will:

  • Never miss a publication. Every new publication is sent directly to your email inbox. For a spam-free, ad-free reading experience, plus audio and community features, get the Substack app.

  • Join our genuine, caring, friendly community of smart, compassionate readers and writers with delicious energy.

  • Encourage and support the continued work and dedication to this project.

If you would like a place to refer back to publications and read at your convenience, subscribe for free.

A paid subscription option is available, but not required.

Paid subscriptions:

  • Shows your appreciation given to this project.

  • Access to a few publications that are for the eyes of paid subscribers only as they are sensitive subjects.

  • Full access to archived posts.

By supporting Lori K Today, you help keep things running by creating time for more:

  • Writing

  • Research

  • Interacting with our community

  • Marketing

Meet Lori K

Hi and thank you for slowing down with me as we get through this thing called life. Oh yeah, I’m a fan of Prince.

I write because it’s therapeutic and hopefully helpful for others. A lifestyle publication is like talking with a friend. We share experiences that may feel similar, make us laugh, think, or sometimes even shed a tear.

There’s always a song in my head when I speak or when spoken to. I like short stacks and I cannot lie. See what I mean?

I rarely read and it probably shows. If I do, it’s short stories and/or poems. I guess I could include song lyrics also, but I mostly just sing those. lol

Here are some of my labels:

  • Writer. Been published in a couple of magazines (Simply Gluten Free and At Forty Five), featured in a book (Healing & Growth), and featured in a cookbook (Once-a-Month-Cooking). Write copy for a web designer, blogging, e-books, podcasting notes, and newsletters.

  • Previous Podcaster

  • Amateur Designer of logos, banners, and social media posts.

  • Menopausal

  • Diagnosed with some DSM-5 labels

  • Music and Poodle lover

  • Investigator, everything is figureoutable.

  • Home Cook and Recipe Developer

  • Previous Instructor for cooking classes

  • Survivor

  • Weird

  • Space Holder

  • Student of life. Learning is my favorite next to resting and laughing. Graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Currently studying at the IHDSchool.

  • Experimenter. Experimenting with the Human Design System for 3 years.

  • My Bodygraph: Ego (make my decisions based on having the will to do something) Projector (natural born guide that sees right into your soul), 2/4 Profile (hermit/opportunist like an introvert/extrovert), Single Definition (Self-contained), Caves Selective (prefers a setting with a sense of privacy, protection, and seclusion), Rax Maya 4 (goes with my own flow and rhythm). Read about these traits (other than the Rax Maya 4) on my publication called, Mother and Child Human Design Mini Reading.

My kiddo thinks I’m silly and that’s okay. I’m a 55 year old, solo (and loving it), MOM (and loving it), to a teen (and loving them), who doesn't take things personally (and hoping you don’t either).

However, I identify most (other than being a mom) with being a hermit.

I am NOT a professional in any field nor do I want to be.

If you like finding humor in unexpected every day things and being weird, you’ve found your people.

What’s in a name?

Lori K Today was created because so many things happen on a daily basis that we all bring our own unique perspective to. This is my way of bringing you my weird unconventional perspective of the often shocking things that show up for me on a daily basis. Things that you or someone you know might relate to.

You may not see daily publications (or maybe you will depending on my energy and mood level), but unexpected things happen daily and I deal with things in a an unexpected way daily.

Know your worth my friend, I believe in you!


Join Lori K Today’s Community

I invite you to be a part of our community of people who share your interests. Simply by participating through the comment and/or notes sections on Substack or replying to the emails.

Our community is so kind and we thank you in advance for participating.

To learn more about the tech platform that powers this publication, visit Substack.com.

Get a feel for one of Lori K Today’s publications and comment on it if you need any assistance with learning the basics here: Substack: Figuring it out as I go

What have you done for yourself lately?

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Your friends and family will thank you for letting them in on these sporadic unconventional publications.


Subscribe to Lori K Today

Your favorite GenX ginger hermit with CPTSD. Reflecting on life with humor. Offering sporadic unconventional lifestyle publications. Also sharing recommended Substack Publications who write mostly short posts on my Selected Stacks section.


I enjoy creating tasty food, sharing stories, introspection, a good belly laugh, and experimenting with Human Design. I don’t take things personally, I struggled with infertility, and enjoy short stories/poems.