Nurturing self-awareness is a continual endeavor. However, discovering a deeper understanding of our children is truly an exquisite beauty. Follow along with this mother and child Human Design mini reading. One that unveils the profound beauty of comprehending our children. Fostering a deeper connection with them.
What is The Human Design System
“The Human Design System synthesizes aspects of two types of science:
The ancient observational systems of Astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakras and The Tree of Life from the Zohar/Kabbalist tradition.
The contemporary disciplines of Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Genetics and Biochemistry.
As a logical, empirical and practical system, Human Design does not ask you to believe anything. It merely offers you the opportunity to explore and experiment with the mechanics of your nature. Your evolving consciousness in order to find out for yourself exactly what works for you.” – The Definitive Book of Human Design by Lynda Bunnell and Ra Uru Hu.
Have you explored the Human Design System? You can get your free Human Design chart from: or among others.
Mother and Child Human Design Charts
Human Design Type
Definition – Our Type is how our energy is coming in and out of our Auric Field.
Mother and Child here are Projector Types having the following qualities in common.
Projector Types:
Have Focused and Absorbing Auras. This shows up by interacting with people at a deeper energetic level.
See right into others G Center. Which is the hub for direction, love, self, purpose, and known as the seat of the soul.
Require more rest and do best with bursts of work, resting in-between.
They use their experiential wisdom about energy, their skill of mastering systems, and their efficiency in doing things to increase the understanding and productivity of other Types.
Have a different perspective on life by fully seeing others, seeing the big picture, and seeing a concept in a new way. Thus, making them insightful with their unique gift of guiding others energy.
Projectors Strategy
Definition – Strategy is how we enter into opportunity. How we use and protect our energy.
The Projectors Strategy is to wait for recognition. However, not just any recognition will do. It’s the acknowledgement of their specific skill set and attributes.
And their Strategy of waiting for an invitation. This is generally but not exclusively meant for a place to live, a bond with others, career, and/or entering into love. Think of it like an invitation for an energy exchange.
Projectors Signature Theme
Definition – The Signature Theme is the energetic feeling our Type has when we’re operating in alignment.
Signature Theme for a Projector is Success.
Success doesn’t necessarily come from achievement but as a sense of being recognized and appreciated for what you naturally are. This feeling of success can come through as a fulfilling conversation or being invited to serve a particular role or purpose in a relationship.
Not-Self Theme for Projectors
Definition – The Not-Self term is when the mind falsely identifies us as something we’re not. When we are trying to be anyone else but our authentic self. Comparing ourselves to others.
When not aligned, Not-Self Theme as a Projector is Bitterness.
Living in our Not-Self (as a Projector Type) could lead to holding on to people, not knowing when enough is enough, and fearful that there may not be another invitation. This can lead you to panic and interfere with letting go or moving on when needed.
Inner Authority
Definition – Our Inner Authority is our unique authentic inner truth based on a specific Center defined in our BodyGraph. It’s the language our body uses to communicate to us. To help guide us to make decisions in life that are right for us. Our internal guides.
Here’s where Mother and Child begin to differ. Mother is an Ego Projected Projector and the child is an Emotional Projector.
Ego Projected Projectors/Heart Center
Once the Projector Type is recognized and invited (Projector Type’s Strategy) into something, they can check in with their inner Authority. With this Authority it would be beneficial for her to ask herself a few questions. Such as, do I have the will/willpower/desire to enter into the commitment or conversation.
Emotional Projector/Emotional Center (Solar Plexus)
Again, once the Projector is recognized and invited (Projector Type’s Strategy) into something, they can check in with their inner Authority. Following the Emotional Authority means waiting for their emotional wave to complete before making a decision. Might just need to sleep on it before making their final decision.
Human Design Definiton
Definition – The term Definition refers to how we take in information and process it. How the energy within our defined Channels and Centers “talk” to us. It determines the way we operate, how we interact with others, and what we look for in others. Furthermore, it’s how we relate to others and perceive relationships.
Here we have Mother with a Single Definition. This is found in her one defined Channel of 25-51 connecting the G Center with the Ego/Heart Center.
Then the child with a Triple-Split Definition. First, we have the defined Channel of 61-24 connecting the Head Center with the Ajna Center. Second, is the defined Channel of 33-13 connecting the Throat Center with the G Center. Third, is the Spleen Center connected by the defined Channels of 32-54 and 18-58 to the Root Center. Which then connects the Root Center to the Solar Plexus Center with the defined 39-55 Channel.
Definition Descriptions
Single Definition is where the energy flows continuously through the defined channels and Centers without interruption. Consequently, individuals with this design possess an inherent ability to maintain a singular focus. And can digest information rapidly. They do not need others around them to absorb information or to feel a sense of completeness. Furthermore, they are to a certain extent, self-contained. This is due to their unvarying, continuous, and dependable energy flow.
Triple-Split Definition has three separate areas of defintion in their design. These areas are not connected to each other. They require multiple bridges to link their defined channels. Which can be obtained by being around others. Even if it’s just at a coffee shop. Impatience and premature actions can be common traits. They exhibit drive, ambition, and assertiveness. Healthy interaction with diverse individuals on a daily basis is beneficial. Constant conditioning by just one person can induce feelings of entrapment.
Definition – Character traits described by the Profile in the Human Design System serve as the symbolic costume of our purpose. This costume is something we gradually embody.
Find more info. – The Human Design Profile (coming soon).
The Mother’s Profile is 2/4 whereas the child has a 3/6 Profile.
2/4 Profile
First is our 2/4 Profile. Also known as the Hermit/Opportunist. Combines the qualities of the Hermit (2nd line) and the Opportunist (4th line).
Line Two:
Waits for the correct call aligned with their unique life purpose to share their genius.
Strategy and Authority guide them in discerning the correctness of a call.
They are recognized for their natural talents but prefer solitude and autonomy.
Others may seek their gifts, but they prefer not to explain their methods or offer guidance.
Spending hermit time away from networks brings harmony to their lives.
Failing to fulfill expectations or answering incorrect calls can lead to suffering and isolation.
Line Four:
Wait for opportunities to engage with their community and thrive in established relationships.
Their innate friendliness fosters networking and a sense of brotherhood/sisterhood.
Their influence is primarily within existing relationships, and casual contacts are less significant.
The quality of their life is directly linked to the quality of their network of friends and associates.
They encounter their networks through Strategy and Authority rather than actively creating them.
3/6 Profile
Second is our 3/6 Profile. Also know as the Martyr/Role Model. Combine the qualities of the Martyr (3rd line) and the Role Model (6th line).
Line Three:
Possesses the gift of discovering what doesn’t work.
Serves as catalysts of change through trial and error and the discovery process.
Challenging falsehoods is their natural inclination, focusing on what isn’t working.
They exemplify transformation when grounded in their body, fearlessly standing up for truth.
Failure is not seen; only continuous discovery and learning.
Bonds made and broken become natural mechanisms, akin to a parent leaving for work and returning.
Third line children require grace and positive reinforcement during their learning process.
Line Six:
The sixth line in the Profile represents three stages of life.
Stage One (0-30 years) involves trial and error, discovering, and experiencing the realities of life. Also known to be living as a line 3.
Stage Two (30-50 years) focuses on objective observation, retreat, healing, and identifying what works.
Stage Three (after 50 years) signifies a calling, re-engagement, and becoming a role model as a wise observer.
Read more on my previous post about the Human Design Profile. (coming soon)
Mother Guiding Child
According to this mother and child Human Design mini reading there are some similarities. The differentiation is in the inner Authority, Definition, and Profile so far.
To guide her Projector child, the Projector Mother can:
Honor the Projector Type’s Strategy by waiting for recognition and an invitation:
Reminding her child about the importance of being acknowledged for their specific skill set and unique attributes before entering into things. Recognizing and praising her child’s specific skills and attributes.
Encourage her child to invest in themselves by recognizing their own worth and building their skill set. Emphasize the value of mastering something that brings them fulfillment.
Assist in balancing the delicate nature of her child’s Projector Type and Triple-Split Definition:
Help the child understand the significance of adequate rest and the benefits of being around others.
Support them in finding a harmonious equilibrium between solitude and social interactions.
Emphasize the importance of listening to their inner Authority (Emotional, Solar Plexus Center):
Reminding her child to wait for their emotional wave to complete before making decisions.
Encourage them to take their time and sleep on it before reaching a final decision.
Provide grace and positive reinforcement during her child’s learning process with their 3rd line Profile:
Offer understanding and patience as her child navigates the experiences and growth associated with their 3rd line Profile.
Encourage and acknowledge their progress, highlighting their strengths and achievements along the way.
Rabbit Hole
There’s so much more we could dive into here. Such as they each have Caves for their Environment. Her’s is selective and her child’s is blending. Both preferring enclosed environments that provide a feeling of comfort, safety, and security. However, those with the Blending Cave environment are more receptive to who comes into their space.
Self-awareness can be an endless rabbit hole, but well worth it. Learning is my favorite and I hope you come along as we discover more about ourselves and our loved ones.
Seeking professional support is courageous!
Have you experimented with the Human Design System?
Lori K Today is brining you sporadic non-conventional publications. A non-professional perspective on life from a Genx ginger hermit with CPTSD.
This is so perfect, I had to add it to a post I was planning on making today about human design and parenting :) Thank you for sharing!
Very interesting, and so much to learn. Do we all have those types in us or are we one or a mix? I can relate to the projector type in myself